Tummy Tuck


A flat, firm stomach and sculpted waistline are hallmarks of beautiful body contours. Weight gain, pregnancy, and normal aging can result in a flabby tummy, drooping excess skin, and spread-out abdominal muscles, which create an abdominal bulge. All of these problems can be addressed with an outpatient tummy tuck procedure at Cassileth Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a body contouring cosmetic surgery performed under general anesthesia that involves removing overhanging skin and excess fat around the abdominal area to create a tighter and thinner midsection. During a tummy tuck, rectus diastasis can also be repaired, in a procedure that brings the spread-out abdominal muscles closer together by tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall for a corset-like effect. Liposuction can commonly be performed at the same time to fine-tune the waist definition.

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Patient Testimonials

Anonymous' Story

Dr. Kelly Killeen is not just an outstanding surgeon and artist, she is also an angel. I had 15+ surgeries to correct an ongoing problem for last 10 years, numerous super-famous doctors worked on me, in different parts of the world, including Geneva, Berlin, etc.. So by the time I got into Dr. Kelly's hands the words "total mess" don't even begin to describe the actual condition of what used to be my breasts. Dr. Killeen, just as regular angel performed a miracle and made everything good again. I love you. There is also nurse Dee who is just incredible human being, here level of compassion, love and care is truly rare. Last but not the list there is a Brit called Jade - she is so beautiful, funny and totally awesome, I will find a reason to come again for some facial peeling or something else simple just to see you guys! I am so blessed to have met these beautiful people, they maybe just part of exceptional medical team, but in my heart they will always be my friends...

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Cassileth Plastic Surgery offers a range of options to correct these problems with minimal trauma and risk. Our highly trained plastic surgeons, Dr. Lisa Cassileth and Dr. Kelly Killeen peform tummy tuck procedures in our state-of-the-art surgical facility and possess the skill and artistry needed to provide natural-looking results to perfect the new waistline for you.

Dr. Cassileth
Breast Specialist

Board-Certified Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Breast Specialist, and Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction Inventor

American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Board of Plastic Surgery
American College of Surgeons
The Aesthetic Society
Dr. Cassileth


If you are at a stable weight but have concerns about loose skin and/or weakened abdominal muscles from pregnancy, a stubborn bulge around your waistline that persists despite exercise and a healthy diet, or excess abdominal skin after weight loss, you may be a good candidate for abdominoplasty.

Most of us would love to get a flat tummy through exercise alone, but the nature of some body types, as well as damage caused by pregnancy or weight loss, can mean that no amount of exercise will give you the results you want.

Tummy Tuck - Dr. Kelly Killeen

Dr. Killeen

Dr. Killeen
Breast and Body Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Double-Board-Certified Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon and Breast & Body Specialist

American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Board of Plastic Surgery
American College of Surgeons
The Aesthetic Society


We offer several types of tummy tuck techniques to help you achieve your goals. A tummy tuck removes excess abdominal fat and loose skin from the lower abdomen for a more slender midsection. The word "tuck" refers to extra skin removal along the lower abdomen, through an incision hidden below the bikini line.

The specifics of a tummy tuck at Los Angeles' Cassileth Plastic Surgery—mini, standard, extended, or more—depend on how much excess skin the patient wants removed. The specifics of a tummy tuck at Los Angeles' Cassileth Plastic Surgery—mini, standard, extended, or more—depend on how much excess skin the patient wants removed.
Not all patients want the same thing from their tummy tuck surgery, so Los Angeles' Cassileth Plastic Surgery offers more than one variety of the procedure. Choose from a miniabdominoplasty to address a small amount of laxity, and a full or extended tuck for greater amounts of excess skin. A lower body lift contours around the hips and above the buttocks as well.


A mini tummy tuck is the best technique for abdomens with a small amount of excess skin. Using a short incision, your plastic surgeon will remove the redundant issue and may perform liposuction at the same time. The underlying muscles are tightened when needed. The result is a flat, smooth tummy with a minimal incision.


The full tummy tuck is for an abdomen with more excess skin. This procedure requires a longer, low incision, which is hidden below the bikini line to achieve a slender midsection. A rectus diastasis repair is performed when necessary to knit the abdominal muscles back together and flatten the muscular wall. Then, your surgeon will remove excess skin and fat, which can eliminate some lower belly stretch marks and subsequently re-expose the buried belly button. As a result, you’ll enjoy a much flatter tummy and a slimmer waistline.


Sometimes, the abdominal muscles are split or stretched out from pregnancy but the skin is nearly normal. In this case, the amount of skin that needs to be removed is minimal, so the incision can be much smaller. For patients with a little extra skin, the incision can be made where a C-section scar normally is located, and a little skin removed, with the muscle repair done at the same time through the small incision. This Super-mini tuck is especially great if you already have a Csection scar. If you have completely normal skin and split muscle, you can repair the entire rectus diastasis through an umbilical incision. These procedures are both Cassileth Plastic Surgery specials and are rarely done elsewhere!


When you attempt to do a sit-up, do you notice a bulge between your abdominal “ab” muscles? This could result from the actual muscles stretching or separating during pregnancy or weight loss. Once the muscles are stretched out, even sit-ups may not help and could actually make the problem worse. A rectus diastasis repair is an ideal procedure for anyone looking to tighten abdominal muscles as the operation knits the abdominal muscles back together and flattens the muscular wall, which is a crucial support structure for anyone who wants a firmer, flatter midsection. This repair can be done alone leaving minimal scars, be combined with skin and fat removal in the tummy tuck, or be part of a Mommy Makeover.


Immediately following an abdominoplasty procedure, it’s common to experience bruising, swelling, and some discomfort which we’ll help you manage with pain medication. The full healing process usually takes approximately six to eight weeks. While recovery time varies from patient to patient, you can generally expect to go back to work after two to six weeks. During this time, strenuous activity such as heavy lifting and vigorous exercise should be avoided. You will be placed in an abdominal binder or an appropriate compression garment to avoid fluid buildup and help support your abdomen during the recovery. Your final tummy tuck results should be visible in approximately six months once all swelling has subsided.


Patients seeking tummy tuck after significant weight loss often choose to combine tummy tuck surgery with a body lift, while patients undergoing tummy tuck as part of a mommy makeover may combine their procedure with a breast lift or breast augmentation with implants. At Cassileth Plastic Surgery we offer a variety of surgical procedures and custom treatment plans to address your cosmetic concerns and achieve your desired look with exceptional results.


Patients who have modest skin laxity but are not ready for a surgical solution can get results with BodyTite, a radiofrequency-powered treatment that encourages tissue contraction and collagen growth to tighten skin. For isolated pockets of fat, CoolSculpting® provides gradual non-surgical fat reduction without the need for incisions or sutures.

See the animation for tummy tuck at: https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/tummy-tuck/animation

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