beautiful aging woman with smooth skin

Neck Lift

Neck Lift

Lift & Restore Aging Neck Skin In Los Angeles

Our faces change as we age—and those changes don’t stop at the chin. Throughout our lives, the skin of our neck and decolletage loses collagen and elasticity leading to skin laxity in the lower face and neck. If you have concerns about the neck area, such as the “turkey wattle,” or a double chin, jowls, excess skin, or even excess fat on the neck, a neck lift—or lower rhytidectomy—can tighten sagging neck muscles and remove excess tissue to restore a more defined contour to your neck and jawline.1

If you want to restore a more youthful appearance but are not ready for a full face lift, we can help. We utilize the most advanced neck lift procedures and techniques, and our Beverly Hills plastic surgery practice is known for providing patients with beautiful and youthful-looking results.

Benefits Of Neck Lift Surgery

  • Smooth Skin: A neck lift can remove, tighten and smooth sagging neck skin, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the neck area.
  • Tighten Muscles: Neck lift surgery tightens underlying neck muscles, which further reduces loose skin and can add contour for a leaner looking neck.
  • Restore Confidence: Get a boost of self-esteem when you feel confident to reveal a youthful-looking neckline.
  • Discreet Scarring: Neck lift incisions are hidden behind the hairline, behind the ears and beneath the chin, leaving scars that are virtually invisible to the untrained eye.
    Short Recovery: Recovery time from neck lift is minimal and typically requires only one week of downtime.
Middle-aged woman smiling

What To Expect From Your Neck Lift Procedure

Preparing For Your Neck Lift

During your initial consultation appointment, we’ll take time to learn about your goals for neck rejuvenation and answer any questions you may have about the procedure. We’ll also do a physical examination of your neck, discuss your options, and ensure you have realistic expectations. Finally, we’ll work with you to tailor a custom treatment plan to meet your needs. Should you decide to move forward with neck lift surgery, we’ll provide detailed pre-operative instructions.

How Neck Lift Surgery Is Performed

Neck lift surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia at our surgery center. Before your surgical procedure begins, your plastic surgeon will do a final review of your treatment plan. Depending on your unique needs, your cosmetic procedure will include one of two neck lifting techniques:

Traditional Neck Lift

The traditional neck lift incisions start behind the hairline adjacent to the upper ear lobes, continue down and under the ears and end in the posterior hairline. Once the incision has been made, the platysma muscle is tightened, excess tissue is excised, and fat is sculpted from the neck and jowls. The skin is then repositioned over the new neck contour and sutures are placed. Another separate incision may be necessary under the chin to repair the muscle and liposuction this area.

Limited Incision Neck Lift:

The limited incision neck lift typically involves small incisions around the ears. Because these incisions are shorter, results are not as dramatic.2 This procedure is ideal for those who require only a slight correction to reach their aesthetic goals.

Recovery After Neck Lift Surgery

When you leave our surgical facility, your incisions will be wrapped with a skin conforming bandage to minimize bruising and swelling and help your skin mold into its new contours. You may also have drainage tubes to remove excess fluid or blood. It’s common for patients to experience mild discomfort in the first few days after surgery, which we’ll help you manage with pain medication. You should plan for one week of downtime, before resuming your regularly scheduled activities. Your follow up appointment will be approximately one month after your surgery to ensure you’re healing well and are happy with your results.

Patient Results

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Who Is A Good Candidate For Neck Lift Surgery?

If you feel that your neck has aged faster than your upper face, a neck lift may be right for you. Ideal candidates for neck lift surgery are non-smokers in good general health.3

Middle-aged woman with short gray hair smiling

Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift Surgery

Neck lift results are permanent, however your skin will still continue to age naturally. A well-performed neck lift should last about 15 years before the natural effects of time begin to show on your neck.

Your scars will be subtly hidden behind the hairline and in the natural creases of your skin so they will be virtually invisible. Should you have concerns about scarring, we also offer laser treatments that can further reduce visible scarring.

Yes, neck lift surgery is often combined with other procedures to optimize results. Many patients opt for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation plan and include Botox, dermal fillers, or other facial plastic surgery procedures such as facelift, brow lift, or eyelid lift.

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Contact Us

We believe that the connection between the patient and the provider is at the heart of every successful procedure and look forward to meeting you in person to discuss your goals.

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1American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What is a neck lift? Available: Accessed May 29,2024
2American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What are the steps of a neck lift procedure? Available: Accessed May 29, 2024
3American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Who is a good candidate for neck lift surgery? Available: Accessed May 29, 2024